Monitoring resilience in the EU

Type: Report

Language(s): English

Description: This report analyses the dashboards and the latest set of synthetic resilience indices for the EU and each Member State, highlighting resilience vulnerabilities and capacities across the four dimensions and fourteen underlying areas (based on the edition of the dashboards published in April 2023, using data as of 2021). The report contains the first in-depth empirical analysis of resilience patterns in the EU. This analysis reveals that the EU’s current resilience capacities are considerably higher relative to the previous decade on average, while its resilience vulnerabilities have remained broadly similar. The cross-country heterogeneity in resilience performance and resilience profiles is substantial, which underlines the need to monitor resilience in a systematic way across the Member States. The country fiches respond to this need by zooming into Member States’ resilience capacities and vulnerabilities. Building on the resilience assessments in the 2023 European Semester Country Reports, the Member State fiches in the current report are accompanied by a description of changes in resilience relative to the 2022 edition of the resilience dashboards (hence comparing data up to 2021 to data up to 2020). They also show for the first time the overall vulnerability and capacity indices by country. Monitoring resilience over time can ultimately help inform the future direction of policies to reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen resilience capacities.

Author(s) / Editor(s): BENCZUR Peter; CARIBONI Jessica; JOOSSENS Elisabeth; LE BLANC Julia; MENYHERT Balint; PIRIU Andreea

Published In: JRC Publications Repository

Publisher(s): Publications Office of the European Union

Publication Date: 20 November 2023

Number of Pages: 70

Publication Web Page (URL)

Related Organisation(s): Joint Reseach Council (JRC)

TOPICS / Subjects:

  • Adaptation
  • Mitigation
  • Resilience
  • Vulnerability
  • Biodivesity
  • Displacement / Migration
  • Ecosystems and Organisms
  • Energy Securityµ
  • Environmental / Climate Justice