Project CASA is a participatory research project and we welcome the involvement of interested individuals and representatives of like-minded organisations in providing input, reviewing and commenting on work in progress and helping to disseminate project information and the study results.

Providing input includes submitting original* Stories to the Project CASA Reader where you share experiences, lessons learned, good practices, photo stories and more. 

The Reader also includes the Insights section which contains orignal* in-depth expert articles, essays and opinion pieces related to civil-military cooperation in climate-related emergencies.

A selection of Stories and Insights will also be published in a compendium to accompany the final report of Project CASA.

Joining Project CASA as a member of the Correspondents Group is free and it enables you to contribute articles for the Reader, and suggest records for inclusion in the Resource Guide.

Learn more about how to submit content and join the Correspondent group here.

*You can also point our editors to material already published elsewhere which you would like to suggest we include in the Reader. You can also suggest things you have read for inclusion in the Reader or Resource guide by using the Contact Us form.