Climate and Security International Network

Description: This project aims at deepening the structuring of the community already fostered by the climate change and coastal hazard working group by assessing and mapping existing projects on climate change response by humanitarian groups, civ-mil cooperation research teams and the military. It intends to strengthen existing yet scattered research on the impacts of climate change and proposes to structure a research network on the analysis of civilian-military cooperation in climate change responses, including military interventions, and the securitization of environmental agendas in international organizations. It aims at creating a directory of these projects and teams, and at putting them in contact with one another through a series of webinars that will prepare a more global stocktake at the 2023 symposium and open venues for practical at different levels of action and governance (from local to international).


Scope: International 

Related Organisation: Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs – Brown University


  • Civil Military Cooperation